
Let’s talk about Shaka-horror

Reading the Bible with an eye only on it's meaning for us can lead to a great deal of nonsense and every kind of unimaginable error. If we think the Bible was given to tell us primarily how to go to heaven, I'm sure we'll see even how much money we can pay to make it happen... Read full post

Philosophy bay, Reflections

We all use lenses to see the world

Have you ever wondered how you process everything you see or why you think the way you think? The way you interpret life and view life? Ever thought of what informs your sense and perception of reality? From where do you analyze the world? What cultural, personal, socio-political, religious, philosophical, or psychological lens do you… Continue reading We all use lenses to see the world

Doctrinal Reflections, Ministration, Reflections

Why you should care about the footnotes and translators notes

In the last couple of hours, I have been listening again and again to this song by Eunny wa Mwangi. It's one of those songs that's so sweet (think the way you wanted to enjoy your most tastiest food🥰,  but now it's words of scriptural reflection), that I wish I could help even those who… Continue reading Why you should care about the footnotes and translators notes

Movie Reviews

A review of Kung Fu Panda

My best movie trilogy (bestest single movie goes to Zootopia, bester to Ferdinand, and a few several others hold an unbreakable tie for the best movie title) remains Kungfu Panda, which is an animation trilogy. Am yet to fill the bestest trilogy category, but the bester is occupied, and I will pen down a review one… Continue reading A review of Kung Fu Panda

Lifestyle, Lifestyle, Movie Reviews, Reflections, Relationships, Dating & Marriage

Sex in the movies- the corruption agenda

We cannot neglect crucial things like sex education to movies, social media, and strangers. The parent must be the first teacher, as we can't trust just anyone these days~ the children have to hear it right from us, parents, before all manners of perversion reach them from social media, movies, and the kid next door. As we allow the careless whites who worship the self to fill our daughters and sons with demonic ideas about sex, then we will have a loose generation unleashing havoc right under our noses in our own houses where we pay all rent while providing for all their needs, and we can't do a thing about it! Read full post

Movie Reviews

My best series ever: A review of The Chosen

The Chosen is a lovely series on the life of Jesus and how he inserts himself in the lives of those who traveled with him, encountered him, heard him, saw him, hated him, adored him, were touched by him, envied him, believed in him, and worshipped him. If you love imagination, vividly lucid stories, and pictorial immersion into the stories you read, especially the bizarre ones captured in the gospel, this series is just for you! Read full post.


Why Christians can’t escape the question of theology

I often hear some professing Christians arguing that you don't need theology to preach. Of course, they will quote how the apostles were nobodies, fishermen from some forgotten villages like Nazareth and others in the Galilean backyard. Well, there is some truth in it, but let's get two things straight- One, anything that involves the… Continue reading Why Christians can’t escape the question of theology

Relationships, Dating & Marriage

Dating my friend, part II

Now, let me recap what I have said so far. We're all strangers at some time, even among closest of friends. I am not denying that. But, there is also some basic knowing we do, that makes us friends, bringing us into a position where we can judge the character, behavior, hopes, motivations, securities, perspectives,… Continue reading Dating my friend, part II

Relationships, Dating & Marriage

Dating my friend, part I

Perhaps, here is one of the thorniest issues, but we have to talk about it, kwani iko nini. Now we know who/what kind we should be dating, why we should be dating, when we should be dating, but who should we be dating? In the last post, we dispelled the idea that there is the… Continue reading Dating my friend, part I

Relationships, Dating & Marriage

THE ONE, you said?

From where we left in the last post, I think right about now we should dispel this widely held misconception. That there is the one. You know the one? That single person who was born specifically to be your spouse? The best fit? The one and only? The missing rib? The better half? There is… Continue reading THE ONE, you said?

Relationships, Dating & Marriage

Am I ready?

From the previous post, we left at, just because we have chemistry, should the next train stop be in dating? Just because we like each other? Just because she is my type and he is kinda my type of boys? Well, I think not. In the first place, lack of clarity and vision is likely… Continue reading Am I ready?

Relationships, Dating & Marriage

Chemistry plus…

Now, before we talk about what we are looking for in dating, let me be a bit academic here. So, we said some Chemistry is definitely good in the last post, right? I see you remember. Now, one of the things my granny used to tell me was how they would be married off- arranged… Continue reading Chemistry plus…

Relationships, Dating & Marriage

Chemistry love

Aha, Chemistry. So, does no more falling in love mean I am not for Chemistry, as the last post might have suggested? First, I appreciate art, beauty, and wonderful creation. I'm an admirer of anything good, whether music, art, drama, crafts, videos, pictures, writings, poems, books, or whatever (and faces, of course). Oh, don't I… Continue reading Chemistry love

Relationships, Dating & Marriage

No more falling in love

In the previous post, we tried scrutinizing why there is something unattractive about how most or some of us might have or are dating. This reactive approach of falling in love, which I am clearly not a fan of, sounds rather removed and joyriding. I believe we are supposed to be much more proactive about… Continue reading No more falling in love

Relationships, Dating & Marriage

I fell in love 🥰 

Now, as we talk about these love things, let's talk about this overused cliche. First, hands up if you have never fallen in love?🤔. Are you sure?🧐 Well, am sure most of us have, and if not, we know people who have used the term to describe their predicament, which in most scenarios is usually… Continue reading I fell in love 🥰 

Relationships, Dating & Marriage

Why you will marry the wrong person

It is late evening. It would have been the time that everyone in the neighborhood is out enjoying the evening breeze while also appreciating and drinking in God's marvel of sunshine...we would all be out bathing in the golden evening rays that make a romantic evening everyone's dream, especially the team single and satisfied. But… Continue reading Why you will marry the wrong person

Relationships, Dating & Marriage

‘I will change him after we marry’ and other marinating disasters

Now that we are talking about how difficult it is to change a person, let’s think for a while about this grave mistake. Often, I will have a friend or acquaintance asking me, “I have this guy, I have this girl, I really love them, and we are really into each other, we match each… Continue reading ‘I will change him after we marry’ and other marinating disasters

Relationships, Dating & Marriage

If a man loves you…

"If a man loves you, there isn't anything they won’t do for you. If he can't change for you, he is not the one!" That was Tracy's pickup line, and the damsel said it with a tone of finality and self-enjoyment. She really believed every single word that was coming out of her mouth. Talk… Continue reading If a man loves you…


Jesus, the Countercultural Opposition Leader

It is true to say Jesus was as political as he could get. However, his politic was different: it rejected the status quo while fighting for and embracing the underdog, it unambiguously repressed self-glorification and instead uplifted humility, it harshly judged impunity and instead championed justice, it warned critically against selfishness and cried out for… Continue reading Jesus, the Countercultural Opposition Leader


On the deputy presidential debate: Wajackoyah and Justina, am still not convinced!

So, let me start with this. Both of you display a level of thoughtfulness and ingenuity that's not common in politics, and you seem to believe in your rather unorthodox approaches. On one hand, I can say Madam Justina displayed levelheadedness in describing the background behind your manifestos in the recent deputy presidential debate. Now,… Continue reading On the deputy presidential debate: Wajackoyah and Justina, am still not convinced!


Why I will not vote for Wajackoyah, even if I like his narrative

Weuh! Let me start there. Things are bad, they have been bad, and kuna vile. I and a few hundred others around me have been complaining that the days are moving so fast, and am not sure whether they are moving so fast because we are hellbent lost in trying to keep up with the… Continue reading Why I will not vote for Wajackoyah, even if I like his narrative

Doctrinal Reflections, Lifestyle, Missional Living, Politics, Reflections

To the Churches in Kenya;

Dr. Luke, Second volume of Acts, to the church in Kenya, I salute you in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ. In as much as many have purported to know the will of God for you regarding what scripture and the Spirit say about the present times, and thus misleading many… Continue reading To the Churches in Kenya;

Lifestyle, Politics, Reflections

Madaraka- are we there yet?

We just celebrated madaraka day. The screens were flashing with pictures of a close to 10-year tenure of a government that once raised our hopes like baking powder does to baking flour. However, am yet to meet a Kenyan who is not nursing a broken heart, at least from the pinch of the economy. I… Continue reading Madaraka- are we there yet?

Lifestyle, Reflections

African Time

There are a few God-forsaken characters I try accommodating, but there is a particular breed I have no stomach for. They will treat you as if they are the most important individuals on the earth, and it is a golden opportunity to even access them, never mind how inconveniencing it is or the cost you're paying… Continue reading African Time

Lifestyle, My Best Blog Posts, Reflections

Goodbye, our fallen heroes, we didn’t care much about you

This week has been a down for Kenya as we lost our beloved His Excellency Emilio Stanley Kibaki. I am not old enough to have witnessed everything, but at least I remember life was way much easier and cheaper in his time. I didn't hear much corruption as today, and money had more value, I… Continue reading Goodbye, our fallen heroes, we didn’t care much about you

BOOK REVIEWS, Christian Literature, Missional Living

Review of Evangelism as Exiles by Elliot Clark

For many of us, when we hear of an evangelist, our minds immediately scroll to an image of someone like Billy Graham, a man who may be dressed in a three-piece suit speaking to a large crowd leading many to Christ. Of course, a nice raised dais to voice the evangelistic calls and an ideally… Continue reading Review of Evangelism as Exiles by Elliot Clark


Seven things I wish Christians knew about the Bible Review

“The Bible says it, I believe it, that settles it,” writes Michael Bird (p.87) in his book, Seven things I wish Christians knew about the Bible. Michael, at this point, is addressing one of the seemingly very spiritual stances among professing Christians, yet a very stupid one that demonstrates ignorance of the highest order. This… Continue reading Seven things I wish Christians knew about the Bible Review

Lifestyle, My Best Blog Posts, Reflections

Kwani Sisi ni Wanawake

Kwani Sisi ni Wanawake seems to have been the new trend in town for the last one week. From one status to another, with some unmistakable perfectly-picked pictorials with this eye-catching phrase, this insolent phrase is all over. Do you know there is even an official song by that title? I don't even know whether… Continue reading Kwani Sisi ni Wanawake

Politics, Reflections

Why the 2022 Elections is not and (cannot) should not be a Race of Two Horses

If there is one thing that has literally driven me crazy about the Kenyan media, it's this language of two horses. I mean, one can no longer enjoy watching the news without having to bear with the depressing polarized talk that selectively sells the propaganda of one of the so-called horses and actively demonizes the… Continue reading Why the 2022 Elections is not and (cannot) should not be a Race of Two Horses

Lifestyle, Reflections, Relationships, Dating & Marriage, THE OTHER

This beast, breakup…

The valentine season is just fading, and for some God-knows-what reason, some human being somewhere might be regretting how things went. While some loves are blossoming, there are others that finally hit the rock bottom in the worst time imaginable. Painful breakups, separations, and dumping came knocking. By all merits, the death of a loved… Continue reading This beast, breakup…